Why ACT?
Climate change may be the largest challenge to the Alberta oil sands and its future. CO2 emissions are now a constantly discussed issue. ACT recognizes the strong, serious, and growing needs of Governments, Industries, and the Environment for more solutions to our problems.
We feel the time is right for our kind of company and our strong eco-science based approach to problem solving. We see the nature of industry in the near future as very different from the recent past - almost unrecognizable.
The Ground is Shifting From Under Our Feet.
The global and local political and industry conditions are changing rapidly. Tough financial and environmental challenges are putting pressure on us. For these reasons, conservation innovations and practices which reduce ecological impact are now the new driver of economic value creation. The economic environment we are in has created the biggest business opportunity in a century. Growth will derive from industries which conserves resources such as water, reduces pollution and tackles CO2 emissions well.
The rest of the world expects Alberta to better manage its CO2 emissions, reduce environmental impacts, and utilize more renewable energy. We have an incredible opportunity to improve our image on the the international stage and become a global leader in wastewater management technologies.
ACT brings a set of solutions to industry which can have a impact.
Example: ACT technology can significantly reduce the water requirements for oil sands bitumen extraction. ACT has a process to greatly reduce the volumes of oilfield industry waste referred to as upstream tank slop.