Why ACT?

Climate change may be the largest challenge to the Alberta oil sands and its future. CO2 emissions are now a constantly discussed issue. ACT recognizes the strong, serious, and growing needs of Governments, Industries, and the Environment for more solutions to our problems.

We feel the time is right for our kind of company and our strong eco-science based approach to problem solving. We see the nature of industry in the near future as very different from the recent past - almost unrecognizable.

The Ground is Shifting From Under Our Feet.

The global and local political and industry conditions are changing rapidly. Tough financial and environmental challenges are putting pressure on us. For these reasons, conservation innovations and practices which reduce ecological impact are now the new driver of economic value creation. The economic environment we are in has created the biggest business opportunity in a century. Growth will derive from industries which conserves resources such as water, reduces pollution and tackles CO2 emissions well.

The rest of the world expects Alberta to better manage its CO2 emissions, reduce environmental impacts, and utilize more renewable energy. We have an incredible opportunity to improve our image on the the international stage and become a global leader in wastewater management technologies.


ACT brings a set of solutions to industry which can have a impact.

Example: ACT technology can significantly reduce the water requirements for oil sands bitumen extraction. ACT has a process to greatly reduce the volumes of oilfield industry waste referred to as upstream tank slop.

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ACT For Improved Industry Productivity

REDUCED: CO2 emissions; air pollution; water use; land use; capital equipment costs; corporate liability; operating costs via reduced energy and chemical use/costs, and tailings ponds.

IMPROVED: Oil extraction & quality; water quality; water re-use; ecological footprint; clay removal; impurities removal; profitability; and a healthier environment for workers.

Economic factors are pushing industry players to look for ways to make their operations more efficient, streamlined, and profitable. ACT achieves this for our customers by helping them reduce or eliminate the need for expensive, harmful chemicals, while also reducing Natural Gas Consumption, and water consumption. The ACT Method Cost Less, and consumes less in virtually every important category. It will make our industries cleaner, leaner, and more sustainable.

Innovative new technologies will reduce natural gas consumption, improve heat conservation and recycling of heat and add solar thermal methods. This will increase productivity and reduce input costs. Consequently, our industry can be better prepared as environmental regulations change and international agreements come into effect.

An additional large benefit - The ACT oilsands extraction process eliminates the need for tailings ponds. Please revisit us for more details in the near future.

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ACT For Watershed Restoration

At ACT, the preservation of local watersheds is as important as reducing CO2 emissions overall. We see healthy watersheds as a key way to assure more economic options for our future while having less impact on natural systems. This is one of our key objectives.

ACT Technology greatly reduces the amount of freshwater required for various industrial processes. Wh have chosen the eco-physcis and the technology which allows for the recyclability of process water. Our extensive R&D holds the goal of ultimately finding a closed loop process with water inputs for extraction and oilfield waste stream methods.

River, Stream and Pond Water Treatment

ACT recognizes water quality concerns and the shortage of water for a growing industry. ACT R&D is currently examining technologies for improving river water quality utilized in many parts of the world. As a first step, ACT considers it important to introduce to the Athabasca river water quality restoration technology as soon as is feasible.

ACT Intends to begin a dialogue in regard to this endeavor. We feel action is required now. Preliminary considerations by ACT sees the need for collaboration with an experienced leader in the industry. We also recognize that partnering with government and native communities will be required for this important challenge. Local oil Industry and private individual participation will also be valuable.

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ACT For An Outstanding Future

Eco-technology advancements, as offered by ACT, hold the potential to be a fundamental game changer in terms of CO2 and water use reductions in the oil industry.

ADVANCED CONSERVATION TECHNOLOGIES believes we are ready and in need of such innovations and an “updating” of some of our current industry technologies.

The ACT Method holds the potential to be a fundamental game changer in terms of how we use, process, clean, and re-use water in industry, and in nature. We have a responsibility to ourselves and to future generations to fully research and develop the ACT Method.

Contact Us today to discuss licensing Advanced Conservation Technologies in your facility.